Frances haugen mps facebook

Frances Haugen: Facebook-Whistleblowerin fürchtet um ihre …

04.11.2021 — Frances Haugen hat interne Unterlagen von Facebook dem US-Kongress zur Verfügung gestellt. Nun berichtet die Ex-Mitarbeiterin des Konzerns …

Frances Haugen: Ein besseres Facebook ist möglich – Die Zeit

07.04.2022 — Frances Haugen hat enthüllt, was Facebook alles falsch macht. Im Bundestag erklärte sie nun, wie Techkonzerne zu den richtigen …

Frances Haugen to testify to MPs about Facebook and online …

Frances Haugen to testify to MPs about Facebook and online harm | Facebook | The Guardian

25.10.2021 — Whistleblower and critic of Mark Zuckerberg will give evidence to MPs scrutinising online safety bill. Frances Haugen, a former Facebook …

Whistleblower and critic of Mark Zuckerberg will give evidence to MPs scrutinising online safety bill

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen calls for urgent …

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen calls for urgent external regulation | Facebook | The Guardian

25.10.2021 — Addressing a group of MPs and peers on Monday, Haugen said much of the blame for the world’s increasingly polarised politics lay with social …

Ex-employee tells UK MPs Mark Zuckerberg ‘has unilateral control over 3bn people’ due to his position

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen gives evidence to …

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen gives evidence to MPs scrutinising online safety bill | Daily Mail Online

25.10.2021 — Speaking to MPs today, Ms Haugen claimed that Facebook allows bullying to continue at home. ‘Facebook’s own research says now the bullying …

Ms Haugen said Facebook was ‘very good at dancing with data’ to suggest it was successfully clamping down on toxic content but in reality its ‘negligence’ is pushing users towards extremism.

watch live | Facebook ‘whistleblower’ Frances Haugen is …

Frances Haugen says Facebook is ‘making hate worse’ – BBC News

25.10.2021 — Frances Haugen, who leaked thousands of documents, appeared before MPs working on online safety.

Frances Haugen, who leaked thousands of documents, appeared before MPs working on online safety.

Frances Haugen says Facebook is ‘making hate worse’ – BBC

Frances Haugen: Who is the Facebook whistleblower speaking to MPs? | Evening Standard

26.10.2021 — The former Facebook data scientist told MPs that Mark Zuckerberg’s firm “unquestionably” made hate worse and damaged children’s mental …

The former Facebook data scientist told MPs that Mark Zuckerberg’s firm “unquestionably” made hate worse and damaged children’s mental health – but what caused her to speak up? Katie Strick reports

Keywords: frances haugen mps facebook